Saving South Australian Businesses


Saving South Australian Businesses



We can help you

with generous

government grants for

energy saving projects,

subject to criteria.


  • Save time – we help you understand your energy use, tariffs & bills.
  • Save money – by managing and reducing your energy use.

INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS – Benefit from our years of experience in the mining industry, including Electricity, Gas and Diesel.

COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS – Go beyond NABERS compliance to find benefits for building owners, operators & tenants.

SPECIAL PURPOSE SITES – Schools, holiday parks, aged care facilities, shopping centres etc. No site is too complex, every site can save.

  • Save time – by outsourcing your data analysis needs.
  • Increase profit – satisfy more customers with the best analysis.

ENERGY AUDITORS – Trained in AS 3598 : 2014, plus experience and tools to find the most viable energy savings options.

RENEWABLE ENERGY & EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS – Support your sales efforts with detailed analysis and an accurate ROI.

FREE 15 minute phone consult with an energy specialist